This video is a tutorial from Eben Kouao explaining how to build your own touch screen mirror that includes FACE DETECTION. You can use it to control your different applications in home especially useful for home appliances. The interactive mirror works with Alexa.
You can build your own or buy a touch screen mirror




The content inside this video:
this is an interactive mirror we justbuilt I like to call it the smart mirrorAI it features a face detection moduleso you can have access to yourindividual profiles as well as atouchscreen interface so you can controlyour favorite home appliances wherethere’s always on display you alwayshave access to your weekly weather yoursync to Google Calendar use and also youcan control your music as well as otherstuff a quick demo Alexa play jazz onSpotify chuckling jazz fights fromSpotify so this part of the audio wasmuted for copyright reasons you can alsocontrol home appliances with the facedetection module in this example here wemight have turning on the kettle prettymuch a bad example but you get the idealet me not get too distracted in thisvideo we’re gonna find out how to buildone with a rising pipe add a magicmirror software let’s go somewhere a bitmore comfy Alexa lights off okay rightbefore we start if you like this type ofcontent help us beat the YouTubealgorithm by smashing the like buttonand also drop in a comment like rightbelow I reply to every comment even ifthe comment is literally comment also ifyou’re new here subscribe we’re 20 offthe hundred subscriber list let’s seewhat we can go with this oh and one morething if you watch to the end we’ve gotone thing we like to show you this isthe overview of what we’re gonna coverthe part listfirst of all we’ll need a Raspberry Pi 4which is recommended our Raspberry Pimodule a Raspberry Pi case a micro SD anSD card adapter an Alexa which isoptional a HDMI cable make sure you havethe micro HDMI the PI 4 charger which isa USB see a mouse and lastly thekeyboard you can get the following partsin the description below so how themagic mirror works is we have a two-waymirror and a monitor the moment themonitor is behind the mirror light isable to go through which gives us thepremise of the magic mirror but thequestion is how can we make this atouchscreen mirror so it turns out thisis the answer it’s an IR frame that weordered online and it’s really good tobe honest it has a plug-and-playperipheral and I was really surprisedabout the responsiveness of it I gotcarried away here so how does an IRframe actually worked well it seems thatthere’s a series of LEDs on one side anddetectors on the other I’m based on thebeam interruption you’re able tocoordinate specifically where you’vetouched the next part of the video wasput in the two-way mirroron top of the monitor which happened tobe a 32 inch TV I’m placing the actualIR frame right on topthis is the specific layoutwe also got some LED strips to make surethat it lights up it also helps with theaesthetic where there’s different colorsyou are able to program it to basicallywhen you see the face detection is ableto light up a specific color the nextpart was assembling the Raspberry Piinto its case and assembling the wholemirror together so this is the monitorand the LED strip as well as theRaspberry Pi the pie cam module was alsoincluded for face detection so a woodenframe was built around the 32 inchmirror to encase it the main materialused was fiber board wood it was puttogether with PVA glue some strong PVAglue and some nails to give a niceglossy feel some interior varnish wasused the next part of this was theassembly of the 32 inch monitor into thewooden frameso now I was playing around with thedifferent LED settings to find the rightcolor it turned out purple was a goodfit for the roomI played around a bit more with theresponsiveness of the IR frame and to behonest I was really happy with thisbecause this will make a reallyresponsive smart mirror but it turnedout that this wasn’t the only thing Icould do so I installed minecraft to seehow I can move around still trying tofigure that out the next part is etchingthe raspbian OS onto the SD card to usefor the Raspberry Pi simply place yourSD card into the SD card adapter andplug it into your PC or Mac eventuallyall load head off to raspberry org andtheir downloads here you’ll see raspbianand download the latest sim once we dothat we all download and install the HRsoftware so we can etch the image ontothe SD card for mac you can simply justdrag and drop into the applicationsonce installed you can select your imageafter unzipping itthis image will be the thing we justdownloaded make sure you select theright disk the flashing process can takeanywhere from 15 to 20 minutesonce that’s done you can now unmountyour SD card and plug it into yourRaspberry Pi 4 it’s now time to installthe magic mirror software now yourRaspberry Pi is on it’s now time tofinish the setup choose your country andlanguage and hit the next buttonI’m using a Wi-Fi network already soI’ve completed the setup hit yourbrowser and type in magic mirror now themagic mirrors are open source softwareprovided by a fellow named Mitch Mitchand it’s really a really good communityand it’s got a lot of support there’s alot of third-party modules which will goup into but now we’re doing a manualinstallation the first part of here isto open your terminal and put in thisfollowing command this what downloadunderstood a nodejs version[Music]the next part is to clone the gitrepository of the magic mirror and we’regoing to install the application withNPM install this may take a while[Music]once we’ve changed the config we can doNPM start and to start the magic mirrorand there you have it also if you wouldlike to have a auto start and here’s thePM to guide we’re now going to be addinga touchscreen module to the magic mirrornow go on the magic mirror site andclicking on the modules button we willsee a list of modules and there are avast amount of modules which make itsuch a great project because you can gofrom anything from Spotify modules tonews modules to get the latest news aswell as Google sync calendars and theone I’ve developed a smart screen touchinteractive module I call it smart touchI’m not good with names so in order toinstall this module you can simply copyand paste as specific commands into theterminal once cloned we can now installand the modules being installed lastlyis adding the module to the config fileyou can find this in your magic mirrorfolder under the config folder andconfig dot Jas you can scroll all theway to the bottom and just put it as thelast module it’s good to format yourcode and we’re launching it and this isthe new mirror module you can resizeyour mirror by pressing ctrl + or – youcan see this module now hides the mirrorand here’s a final version of and someadded modules with the Spotify this isalso linked to your phone so when youplay music on your phone it shows apreview on your mirror you can see thefinal version here for now you can findthe prepackaged image on our website andyou can simply download it and the edgeyou onto your PI right thanks forstaying to the end of this video unlessyou skip forward but the little thing wewant to show you was this electricskateboard it’s great for getting aroundespecially in this environment somethingthat’s been created a DIY skateboard andif it’s worth showing I mean we mightmake a tutorial in it it works with theremote so if you’re interested in thingslike this drop a subscribe and let’s seewhere we can go with this piece
Using an Interactive Mirror Glass Overlay offers you the ability to integrate a screen behind the mirror, not only allowing users to position for their photograph using a mirror that is real but in addition allowing them to display and connect to images on top of their expression, giving a real-time preview of just how photographs will come out if they are overlaying any images.
Its like you learn my thoughts! You appear to grasp so much approximately on this touch screen topic. I will be back.
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